£1.00 Per Ticket

Winner is:

Ticket number: 23 Answer: 1980

Amy Capon-Harris


Competition History

Competition has finished

Competition winner is:

Date User Ticket number Answer
18th July 2022 2:39 pm431980
18th July 2022 2:39 pm161980
18th July 2022 1:42 pm601980
18th July 2022 1:42 pm591980
18th July 2022 1:42 pm581980
18th July 2022 1:42 pm331980
18th July 2022 1:42 pm231980
15th July 2022 11:51 am321980
15th July 2022 11:51 am531980
15th July 2022 11:51 am491980
15th July 2022 11:51 am461980
15th July 2022 11:51 am151980
11th July 2022 7:00 pm21980
11th July 2022 7:00 pm561980
11th July 2022 7:00 pm481980
11th July 2022 7:00 pm441980
11th July 2022 7:00 pm411980
11th July 2022 7:00 pm391980
11th July 2022 7:00 pm351980
11th July 2022 7:00 pm141980
11th July 2022 7:00 pm131980
11th July 2022 7:00 pm81980
11th July 2022 10:00 amCompetition started

About This Competition

This Pac-Man Desk Light will brighten your day as well as protect you from those dreaded ghosts!!!
Key Information
  • Fun Pac-man LED light
  • Arcade game sounds
  • Runs through UK adaptor
  • Adjust the brightness using the included remote
  • Perfect for Pac-man fans