

Original price was: £2.00.Current price is: £1.75. Per Ticket

Winner is:

Ticket number: 312 Answer: Water & air

Tom Smith


Competition History

Competition has finished

Competition winner is:

Date User Ticket number Answer
22nd July 2023 12:12 pm112Water & air
22nd July 2023 12:12 pm164Water & air
22nd July 2023 12:12 pm176Water & air
22nd July 2023 12:12 pm188Water & air
22nd July 2023 12:12 pm206Water & air
22nd July 2023 12:12 pm253Water & air
22nd July 2023 12:12 pm302Water & air
22nd July 2023 12:12 pm313Water & air
22nd July 2023 12:12 pm402Water & air
22nd July 2023 12:12 pm489Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am2Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am15Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am25Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am49Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am62Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am68Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am81Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am90Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am91Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am102Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am126Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am162Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am210Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am215Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am309Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am364Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am444Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am475Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am496Water & air
22nd July 2023 7:53 am500Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm11Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm14Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm19Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm23Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm26Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm31Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm32Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm41Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm53Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm55Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm75Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm77Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm82Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm84Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm86Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm96Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm97Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm98Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm99Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm103Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm105Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm106Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm113Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm114Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm115Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm117Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm122Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm128Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm129Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm133Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm136Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm140Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm149Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm153Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm158Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm167Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm168Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm171Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm172Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm173Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm175Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm177Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm179Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm180Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm181Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm182Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm183Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm184Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm186Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm187Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm190Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm192Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm194Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm195Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm196Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm197Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm198Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm204Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm205Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm209Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm212Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm217Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm218Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm219Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm220Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm222Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm224Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm228Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm229Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm234Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm240Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm241Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm244Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm245Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm246Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm247Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm248Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm252Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm254Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm255Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm258Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm260Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm261Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm263Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm264Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm267Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm270Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm272Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm276Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm278Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm279Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm280Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm288Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm289Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm290Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm296Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm298Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm303Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm308Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm310Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm312Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm317Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm327Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm336Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm342Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm347Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm348Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm350Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm352Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm359Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm361Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm363Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm365Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm366Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm367Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm372Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm375Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm377Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm379Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm380Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm383Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm389Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm394Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm395Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm398Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm399Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm401Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm403Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm412Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm414Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm415Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm419Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm432Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm435Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm439Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm443Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm446Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm448Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm450Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm453Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm458Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm460Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm461Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm462Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm466Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm467Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm468Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm481Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm487Water & air
21st July 2023 9:47 pm495Water & air
20th July 2023 6:34 pm397Water & air
16th July 2023 3:40 pm262Water & air
16th July 2023 3:40 pm393Water & air
16th July 2023 3:40 pm409Water & air
16th July 2023 3:40 pm410Water & air
15th July 2023 3:26 pm12Water & air
15th July 2023 3:26 pm79Water & air
15th July 2023 3:26 pm88Water & air
15th July 2023 3:26 pm111Water & air
15th July 2023 3:26 pm118Water & air
15th July 2023 3:26 pm156Water & air
15th July 2023 3:26 pm227Water & air
15th July 2023 3:26 pm360Water & air
15th July 2023 3:26 pm373Water & air
15th July 2023 3:26 pm490Water & air
15th July 2023 1:49 pm13Water & air
15th July 2023 1:49 pm76Water & air
15th July 2023 1:49 pm124Water & air
15th July 2023 1:49 pm282Water & air
15th July 2023 1:49 pm438Water & air
10th July 2023 11:17 pm5Water & air
10th July 2023 11:17 pm18Water & air
10th July 2023 11:17 pm65Water & air
10th July 2023 11:17 pm163Water & air
10th July 2023 11:17 pm474Water & air
10th July 2023 10:49 am17Water & air
10th July 2023 10:49 am29Water & air
10th July 2023 10:49 am50Water & air
10th July 2023 10:49 am236Water & air
10th July 2023 10:49 am406Water & air
10th July 2023 10:49 am425Water & air
10th July 2023 10:49 am449Water & air
10th July 2023 10:49 am465Water & air
10th July 2023 10:49 am470Water & air
10th July 2023 10:49 am498Water & air
4th July 2023 6:01 pm20Water & air
4th July 2023 6:01 pm89Water & air
4th July 2023 6:01 pm291Water & air
4th July 2023 6:01 pm346Water & air
4th July 2023 5:59 pm36Water & air
4th July 2023 5:59 pm160Water & air
4th July 2023 5:59 pm362Water & air
4th July 2023 5:59 pm369Water & air
23rd June 2023 11:29 am35Water & air
23rd June 2023 11:29 am109Water & air
23rd June 2023 11:29 am300Water & air
23rd June 2023 11:29 am371Water & air
23rd June 2023 11:29 am428Water & air
20th June 2023 2:43 pm155Water & air
20th June 2023 2:43 pm457Water & air
20th June 2023 2:39 pm37Water & air
20th June 2023 2:39 pm72Water & air
18th June 2023 2:23 pm4Water & air
18th June 2023 2:23 pm170Water & air
18th June 2023 2:12 pm131Water & air
18th June 2023 2:12 pm137Water & air
18th June 2023 2:04 pm322Water & air
18th June 2023 2:04 pm429Water & air
15th June 2023 8:29 pm485Water & air
14th June 2023 10:31 am8Water & air
14th June 2023 10:31 am152Water & air
14th June 2023 10:31 am243Water & air
14th June 2023 10:31 am249Water & air
14th June 2023 10:31 am405Water & air
12th June 2023 4:55 pm38Water & air
12th June 2023 4:55 pm95Water & air
12th June 2023 4:55 pm138Water & air
12th June 2023 4:55 pm337Water & air
12th June 2023 4:55 pm381Water & air
12th June 2023 2:16 am417Water & air
10th June 2023 12:00 amCompetition started

About This Competition

Milan Airjet Plus Lay-Z Spa

The Lay‑Z‑Spa® Milan Airjet Plus™ guarantees to impress with its advanced technology and revitalising hydrotherapy benefits.

Up to 6 people can relax and unwind in the soothing 40°C water and invigorating all‑surrounding 140 AirJet Plus™ massage system that includes two levels of intensity and an enhanced AirJet™ layout targeting both the legs and back.

The Milan AirJet Plus™ is a smart hot tub that offers simple control for an indulgent experience at the touch of a button. The WiFi connection allows you to control the integrated features from a smart device so your hot tub is ready to jump into when you get home.



Capacity Icon


Spacious enough to comfortably seat up to 6 people, now you can relax with family or get the party started with your friends.

Heating System


Revitalise your body and mind in water temperatures of up to 40°C. Thermostatically regulated for maximum efficiency and able to heat, massage and filter at the same time, simply choose your desired temperature and let the rapid heating system do the rest.

Airjet Icon


New to the Milan, the AirJet Plus™ massage system features an enhanced AirJet™ layout which releases bubbles from the center of the base and sidewalls of the spa to target both the legs and back.

hot tub cross section
WiFi Controlled


Make sure your hot tub is ready to use as soon as you get home. Turn on, turn off, set the temperature, activate the timer and even control the bubbles; all from your mobile phone. Available on Android and Apple devices.

Voice Control Enabled


Relax and control your hot tub hands‑free. Use your voice to control everything from the massage system to the temperature all from the comfort of your hot tub. Amazon Alexa compatible.

Defrost Icon


Freeze Shield™ technology, premium DuraPlus™ Material, energy saving timer, easy 5‑minute setup, advanced safety features, ChemConnect™ dispenser, digital display panel, built‑in cup holders, inflatable lid and reinforced insulating cover with safety lock clips.

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THINC Pure products are only for use in states where the sale and consumption of such products are legal.

Age Verification

By clicking enter, I certify that I am over the age of 18 and will comply with the above statement.


Always enjoy responsibily.