

Original price was: £0.50.Current price is: £0.40. Per Ticket

Winner is:

Ticket number: 38 Answer: Man's Best Friend

Mike Melvin


Competition History

Competition has finished

Competition winner is:

Date User Ticket number Answer
28th July 2023 1:28 pm28Man's Best Friend
28th July 2023 1:28 pm29Man's Best Friend
28th July 2023 1:28 pm38Man's Best Friend
28th July 2023 1:28 pm40Man's Best Friend
28th July 2023 1:28 pm41Man's Best Friend
28th July 2023 1:28 pm46Man's Best Friend
28th July 2023 1:28 pm55Man's Best Friend
28th July 2023 1:28 pm58Man's Best Friend
28th July 2023 1:28 pm59Man's Best Friend
28th July 2023 1:28 pm60Man's Best Friend
25th July 2023 4:23 pm9Man's Best Friend
25th July 2023 4:23 pm44Man's Best Friend
21st July 2023 12:00 amCompetition started

About This Competition

Dog Ball Launcher

Got a Dog??? Love Call Of Duty?? Combined the two and Rocket Launch them BALLS!!!

Prepare to enter the dog toy arms race (who knew there even was one?) with this incredible Dog Ball Launcher.

This device turns your game of fetch with your beloved pooch into an aiming game where you lock and load one of the two included tennis balls and shoot it off for your dog go to chase after. With the Launcher, two balls and a carry strap, you’ll feel fully prepared to go into a barking battle with your good boy (or girl).

Please note: this is a dog toy. Do not aim at people or animals.

  • Awesome Dog Ball Launcher – barking battle begins!
  • Designed to upgrade your game of fetch drastically
  • Two tennis balls included
  • Carry strap for easy transportation
  • Measures approx. 57cm x 19cm x 9cm