£0.50 Per Ticket

Winner is:

Ticket number: 213 Answer: Mutant

Dylan Isaacs


Competition History

Competition has finished

Competition winner is:

Date User Ticket number Answer
15th January 2024 8:38 pm11Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm85Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm95Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm106Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm213Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm287Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm300Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm334Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm393Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm403Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm446Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm523Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm534Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm569Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm594Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm620Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm677Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm735Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm755Mutant
15th January 2024 8:38 pm768Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm33Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm55Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm68Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm70Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm82Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm83Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm86Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm102Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm119Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm131Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm139Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm161Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm165Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm192Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm200Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm202Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm207Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm214Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm217Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm222Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm226Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm242Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm245Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm251Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm256Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm279Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm299Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm313Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm321Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm337Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm361Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm375Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm377Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm410Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm419Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm430Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm434Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm437Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm441Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm466Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm475Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm478Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm490Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm504Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm515Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm517Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm524Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm541Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm566Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm568Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm573Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm582Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm583Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm588Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm595Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm610Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm611Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm626Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm646Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm659Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm662Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm666Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm672Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm680Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm683Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm709Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm721Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm730Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm741Mutant
15th January 2024 7:50 pm798Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm6Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm40Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm61Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm66Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm67Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm117Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm126Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm159Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm171Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm180Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm311Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm381Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm392Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm395Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm401Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm435Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm457Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm462Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm491Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm509Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm565Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm589Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm621Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm640Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm645Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm657Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm661Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm688Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm726Mutant
15th January 2024 4:15 pm774Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm27Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm78Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm79Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm90Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm104Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm116Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm136Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm140Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm156Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm166Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm186Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm230Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm232Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm264Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm270Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm305Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm318Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm394Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm411Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm454Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm498Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm563Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm599Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm612Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm644Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm703Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm711Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm716Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm719Mutant
15th January 2024 4:04 pm772Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am25Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am26Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am52Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am75Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am113Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am124Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am127Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am146Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am158Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am282Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am314Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am322Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am329Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am423Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am429Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am467Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am505Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am538Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am549Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am555Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am572Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am619Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am627Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am629Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am636Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am673Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am678Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am769Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am786Mutant
15th January 2024 10:55 am790Mutant
12th January 2024 3:47 am8Mutant
12th January 2024 3:47 am30Mutant
12th January 2024 3:47 am247Mutant
12th January 2024 3:47 am600Mutant
12th January 2024 3:47 am779Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm2Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm14Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm32Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm47Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm120Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm134Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm148Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm150Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm169Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm172Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm175Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm190Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm223Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm259Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm260Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm261Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm324Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm342Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm358Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm362Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm364Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm372Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm378Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm388Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm405Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm406Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm421Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm425Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm448Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm482Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm485Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm487Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm496Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm518Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm530Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm531Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm558Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm591Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm606Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm635Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm689Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm717Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm778Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm781Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm788Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm789Mutant
11th January 2024 2:58 pm794Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm12Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm46Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm58Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm96Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm101Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm108Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm153Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm163Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm197Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm199Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm271Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm291Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm363Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm368Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm379Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm380Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm385Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm447Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm450Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm469Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm479Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm607Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm652Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm664Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm669Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm671Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm676Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm696Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm715Mutant
11th January 2024 1:20 pm782Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am15Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am23Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am129Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am143Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am145Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am168Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am216Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am224Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am273Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am278Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am339Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am349Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am360Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am436Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am486Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am510Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am605Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am699Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am733Mutant
10th January 2024 12:19 am767Mutant
9th January 2024 2:49 pm73Mutant
9th January 2024 2:49 pm111Mutant
9th January 2024 2:49 pm128Mutant
9th January 2024 2:49 pm285Mutant
9th January 2024 2:49 pm326Mutant
9th January 2024 2:49 pm459Mutant
9th January 2024 2:49 pm630Mutant
9th January 2024 2:49 pm648Mutant
9th January 2024 2:49 pm706Mutant
9th January 2024 2:49 pm760Mutant
9th January 2024 12:00 amCompetition started

About This Competition

Ninja Foodi Dual Zone Air Fryer

The air fryer that cooks 2 foods, 2 ways, and finishes at the same time.

More than an air fryer. 6 ways to cook – Max Crisp, Roast, Bake, Reheat, Dehydrate and Air Fry.

2 Independent Cooking Zones

When it comes to cooking, timing is everything. The Ninja Foodi Dual Zone 7.6L Air Fryer does the thinking and timing for you. Cook 2 different foods with different temperatures, times and settings in 2 separate cooking drawers – and have both ready to serve at exactly the same time using the SYNC feature! More people to feed? MATCH settings across both zones to make double the amount of food in the same amount of time!


Want to cook two different foods using different times, temperatures and programs? Use different settings in each drawer with the Sync feature – both are ready to serve at the same time!

Want to Roast in one drawer and Air Fry in the other? No problem! Different cooking times for fish fingers and fries? Both finish cooking at the same time, so you can enjoy freshly-cooked mains and sides together – no need to use different appliances or let your side go cold while your main finishes cooking!

Whether it’s chicken breasts and fluffy roast potatoes, baked salmon and Mediterranean vegetables or juicy beef burgers and golden chips, your perfect pairing is just moments away.

Cooking for two different dietary requirements? Cater for everyone by cooking vegetarian food in one drawer and meat in the other.


Cooking for extra guests or feeding the whole family? Use the Match feature to double your serving size, with the same cooking program and time in both drawers.

Cook the same food in both zones to make twice the amount of food in the same amount of time! Or easily cook two different foods with the same cooking instructions.

Just cooking for yourself? No problem – you can cook in a single drawer. Each non-stick, dishwasher-safe 3.8L drawer fits up to 1kg of fries.

More Than an Air Fryer

Up to 75% faster than fan ovens*, quickly and easily create a delicious variety of meals that the whole family will love.

  • Air Fry – Up 75% less fat than traditional frying methods**. Enjoy guilt-free fried favourites using little to no oil. From delicious chicken wings, fishcakes, burgers and sausages to chunky chips. Air frying evenly circulates super-hot air around food to remove excess moisture and give it a delicious golden finish.
  • Max Crisp – Cook from frozen to crispy in minutes. Temperatures of 240°C evenly cook and crisp your favourite frozen foods. From breaded scampi and chicken nuggets to golden French fries, onion rings and more. Perfect for quick, delicious dinners.
  • Roast – Not just for Sundays, enjoy your favourite roast meat, fish and vegetables any day of the week. From salmon fillets, golden chicken breasts and roast pork chops with crispy crackling to fluffy roast potatoes, balsamic-roasted tomatoes and sweet potato hash.
  • Bake – Easily cook pasta bakes, fish pies and flaky fish with crispy toppings, or enjoy freshly-baked bread and homemade sweet treats, from muffins and brownies to cakes and cookies.
  • Dehydrate – Create delicious dried fruit snacks, from apple to mango, banana to pineapple. Enjoy homemade vegetable crisps, beef jerky, and even make your own dried herbs.
  • Reheat – Restore leftovers to that delicious fresh-out-of-the-oven finish, perfect for reviving leftover pizza, quiche, spring rolls and more.

The easy-to-use digital control panel with a countdown timer makes it easy to see how much cooking time is left.

Variable temperature controls let you make every snack and meal just how you like it. The innovative Auto-Adjust Fan automatically changes speeds based on the cooking function selected.

Washing up is easy thanks to non-stick, dishwasher-safe parts.

Get started straight away with a Chef-Created Recipe Guide included in the box, packed with Ninja Air Fryer recipes to kick-start your imagination.
